Monday, September 26, 2011

Obama and his elders

Ever since the 2008 primaries, I've been fascinated by the reaction of children to Barack Obama. It just dawned on me recently that he gets an equally interesting response from folks who have a few years under their belts.



  1. Oh, Smartypants, I just love these pictures! I'm 63 and love the President. My sister and brother-in-law are in their 70's. My aunt and uncle in their 80's. All of them voted for Richard Nixon TWICE and they voted for President Obama. We live in a very red district in Indiana, but they won't take any guff from anyone about the President. Seniors for Obama! 4 more years!!!

  2. Dear Smartypants.

    I have only recently discovered your site, and I feel cheated!
    I love your writing and the information that you bring to us; information we might not see elsewhere.
    The recent post "My Race Story" was especially compelling. Mr. Odell's comment about that peculiar "silence" really touched me. I'm still trying to determine how not to be silent in an effective way.
    These pictures today resonated with me because I had noticed the affinity that many of the elderly seem to have for him. He's got lots of mothers - I hope he feels that.

  3. You make an interesting point, SP and with pictoral proof! ;-) The PBO to babies/children interactions have long touched a chord in me, but if truth be told, I'd only noticed the more mature response out of jealousy that the ladies touched him so tenderly and I couldn't. :) Now I'll look at them differently, seeing the connection clearer. Thank you.

  4. eveingeorgia - what a magnificent response - "He's got lots of mothers." I hope he feels it too!!!!!!


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