Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Listen to the man!

A few months ago, Ezra Klein wrote a column titled People don't listen to the President. I think he's right. President Obama gives hundreds of speeches and other than the SOTU - who ever really watches or listens to them? Even many political junkies just read a few reactions to what he had to say from sources that tend to share our viewpoint - and therefore confirm what we already thought.

I'd like to suggest that anyone who wants to comment on Obama - his thoughts and/or strategies - watch his press conference from today. I don't believe he's ever been so open, clear and passionate. Its also the first time I can remember him talking directly about how he thinks about political strategy. Like it or not - he lays it all out there for you to see if you take the time to listen.

There are many powerful moments, but here's how he ended.

So, my job is to make sure that we have a North Star out there, what is helping people live out there lives; what is giving them more opportunity; what is growing the economy; what is making us more competitive. And any given juncture there are going to be times that my preferred option, what I am absolutely, positively sure is right, I can’t get done. And so then, my question is, does it make sense for me to tack a little bit this way or that way because I am keeping my eye on the long-term and the long fight. Not my day-to-day news cycle, but where am I going over the long-term. And I don’t think there is a single Democrat out there who if they looked at where we started when I came into office and look at where we are now that we have not moved in the direction that I promised. Take a tally, look at what I promised during the campaign. There is not a single thing that I said I’d do that I have not either done or tried to do. And if I haven’t gotten it done yet, I am still trying to do it. And to my Democratic friends, let’s understand that this is a long game not a short game.


  1. I thought that was one of his greatest moments. He made a very difficult decision, one he didn't want to make. I'm sure he knew he would catch heat for it from both the left and right, but he did what was needed to take care of the typical American. I'm proud of him.

    I read a diary by a woman from the UK that was so on the mark. In it she said "Yesterday, Barack Obama showed me one thing - that, above all the hype, he's a man of immense compassion. He put his neck on the line and put his people, the people of America - white, black and brown and anything inbetween - first. ....

    He could easily have said, "Stuff you, we'll let the whole thing collapse," and be done with it. Come January 1, everybody's taxes go up. In a recession. Done and dusted.

    In truth, the President tried to get Congress - a Democratic Congress, remember - to vote on this measure immediately before they recessed to campaign. He knew then, as he knew on Saturday, that, although there were votes enough to pass this measure in the House, the votes were lacking in the Senate. It would have failed, but that failure would have sent a strong message to voters about just whose side the Republicans favoured...."

    Not seeing the forest for the trees


    and in a comment to me she said:

    "When the President was elected, he acknowledged (1+ / 0-)
    that it was his brief to make difficult decisions, which might not be popular with people. The BBC pundits - David Dimbleby, Jeremy Paxman and that ilk - who are SERIOUS and established political commentators, say that's the measure of a leader, having the courage to make the right decisions for the people's good, which may not be popular with his party.

    by Marianna76 on Wed Dec 08, 2010 at 03:39:50 PM EST"

    I get the White House Daily Snapshot and that keeps me up to date on actions, his schedule and videos. President Obama and the administration are all doing so much that I find it overwhelming. The Snapshot gives me a small enough amount that I can handle it each day. On his schedule they will say if it's live and I've watched a lot more of his speeches than I even knew existed before.

    I absolutely agree with you, listen to the man before commenting. What is in the press or on the news is often misleading or it's not even covered.

    Sign-up page for the Daily Snapshot

    Thanks for your blog, smartypants!

  2. Thanks Suzanne.

    I read Marianna's diary - so sane and reasonable. Thanks for the link!

  3. For heavens sake, I went on and on in my comment. Once I got started it was hard to stop. I'm thinking I should start a blog so I can get it off my chest! Thanks for listening, Smartypants.

  4. When I started this blog a few years ago - I was amazed at how easy it is. So seriously, think about it. You write beautifully.

    But I'm in this for the conversation - even though there's not much around here these days. So talk all you want here.

    I just noticed a Suzanne over at Blue Wave News. Is that you? If so, I'm Nancy there and NLinStPaul from places like DKos (although I don't post there anymore). Just thought I'd make the connection.


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