Sunday, March 6, 2011

No, Obama is not moving to "the center"

The Village conventional wisdom has a way of taking hold of a narrative and NEVER letting go. Hence, they have pronounced that - since the 2010 mid-term election - Obama has moved to the center in terms of his politics...and therefore that becomes the lens through which we are to judge events, even those that don't fit the narrative.

The mistake they make is attempting to position Obama on the left/right continuum in the first place. Of course he lands of the left side in that framework. He is, after all, a Democrat. But did these folks not notice what he said when he first came on the national political scene in 2004?

I'm sure that some of this supposed trajectory from left to center was created by the historical circumstances Obama faced when he first took office. The country was plunging into the potential of another Great Depression and dramatic action was called for. President Obama stood up and took action immediately with the Recovery Act...implementing policies that had been tested and proven to work during such times. And the results of that action were equally dramatic, as we see here.

And then Obama seized the moment of large Democratic majorities to accomplish something he had promised to do - and that Democrats had been trying to get done for almost a century - he spent his political capital on getting health care reformed. Of course that too was tied to our economic recovery in that individuals, businesses and the government were all facing bankruptcies due to escalating costs. And I will forever believe that Obama felt a personal commitment to getting that done. It had the ring from him of a promise he'd made to his mother.

The final step in all of this was Wall Street reform...something that needed to be done to prevent the Great Recession from ever happening again.

But even through all of these major reforms, it wasn't an ideological position on the left that drove Obama. It was the need to get things done...and to do so in the most effective way that was possible in the political climate.

Anyone who has really watched him knows that what drives him is not ideology, but pragmatism. He's demonstrated over and over again that if policies leftists support aren't working, he'll abandon them as quickly as he will those from the right. And in the midst of all of that, he has a North Star that guides him rather than an ideology.

So, my job is to make sure that we have a North Star out there, what is helping people live out their lives; what is giving them more opportunity; what is growing the economy; what is making us more competitive.

Lately I've been thinking about how much stronger your foundation is when its based on pragmatism rather than ideology. Perhaps the best way to explain that is to give an analogy.

I run a small non-profit organization. Occasionally, staff will come to me with a dilemma they face in working with a client and want advice on what to do in order to avoid a law suit (usually this involves needing to take a professional risk to best serve the client). My advice is always to tell them that they can get sued over anything at any time. Therefore, what they should do is determine what they think is in the best interest of the client. Because if you do get sued, when you're asked to testify about what you've done, you want to stand on the firm foundation of your convictions.

As I watch the Republicans these days trying to jump through all kinds of hoops to justify their ideological commitment to lower taxes, even when they don't work, I see the weak foundation they are standing on. Meanwhile, Obama can call their bluff on something like health care reform. He can say, with confidence, "show me something that would work better," because he knows they can't.

That's what it means to be a pragmatic leader. And until the Village recognizes that, they will continue to get it wrong when it comes to President Obama.


  1. Brilliant, NL. And I couldn't agree more. What I find fascinating is this insistence that people need to do these pseudo mind-melds with the WH in order to figure out who some of them seem to think is an unusual and enigmatic figure. He's indeed unusual, but consistent almost to the point of being boring, with his governing philosophy not only one which is on clear display (pragmatic liberal/progressive Dem, spot on), but one which hasn't changed in like 10 years. I think that the media struggles with this because indeed, they tend to evaluate each event singularly and out of context. They therefore don't see the single theme woven through initiatives such as the tax cut deal, DADT repeal, or increased funding to HBCUs. That theme being he gets as much as he can, doesn't draw lines in the sand, and keeps it moving. Simplicity and common sense which is headed to the history books.

    Happy Sunday, NL


  2. Howdy GN.

    Too many folks are stuck in the old boxes we use to try to understand things.

    This might or might not fit here, but yesterday I saw a quote that is the bi-line on George Monbiot's blog. Its a powerful statement:

    "Tell people something they know already and they will thank you for it.
    Tell people something new and they will hate you for it."

    Many on both the left and right would be so much more comfortable if Obama would simply do things the old way...something they know and understand.

    But I believe Obama is a visionary. And yes, headed to the history books, which are usually much more kind to visionaries.

  3. Goodness! I never 'knew' you were NL - not that it matters! ;)
    SP, You've hit another one out the park! Now I know where to go for a sane explanation that jibes more with MY feelings (and supporting evidence from the source himself)when the MSM is throwing out its overused memes [center left/right; weak; conciliatory; or whatever]. I agree (elsewhere) that 'many ... would be so much more comfortable if' Prez O would just follow the established political pattern. Mostly I think because they are too lazy to stir themselves to really think/do research, and also IMO because they do not truly care about anyone but themselves. They do not have the same 'North Star' that the President has, even though they like to pretend they do, particularly around eletion time. You know what is starting to amuse me somewhat? That the President can say (and has said) exactly what he is going to do out in the open each time. They never believe him, so they make a lot of fuss, talk about his inscrutability, etc. etc. while he carries on doing what he said he would do. Then they are surprised at the end result! We are so blessed to be served by this man at this time!

  4. Hey VC,

    Yes, its me, NLinStPaul. I used that name when I signed up at DK back in 2005. When I started this place in 2007 - I wanted something a little more creative.

    And you are so right...Obama's consistency of thought and practice has been something to watch. I remember thinking that back during the primaries when I researched his time as President of the Harvard Law Review. His style was completely the same back then. Its one of the reasons I started supporting him at the time. The word "integrity" comes to mind.

  5. 'Integrity' - such a terrific word to be able to use in relation to a politician! But then as you quoted recently, Mrs. O doesn't really see THE MAN as a politician. :-) I went back to read your Harvard Law Review research. Thanks! I'm actually having the time of my political life watching President Obama, AND being able to read/watch stuff about him is always a treat. The 'historical' stuff is so much more meaningful now that I 'know' him. One of the reasons I so enjoy the Obama Diary is that the site leader (Chipsticks)so often takes us down memory lane with the president. I'm finding that you do too, but you primarily use words/arguments. :) There are far too many sites willing to tear the president down daily, so it's great to have sites to visit that gives the President his due. Keep up the good work!

  6. I love this site...great material on our president!


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