Friday, June 24, 2011

Common Goals?

Newt Gingrich:

Gingrich stopped off at an airport Marriott near Baltimore Thursday to keynote the Maryland GOP's annual Red, White & Blue banquet. Before the speech, he assured reporters that his campaign was still going strong. When he took the podium, he offered Republican donors a long, dense speech full of red meat and warnings about the state of the world around us.

He also said it was time for Republicans to tell African Americans how terrible Obama has been for them...

"No administration in modern times has failed younger blacks more than the Obama administration," Gingrich said.

Metamars at Firedoglake:

Specifically, [Cornell] West, with the NPA’s [New Progressive Alliance] backing, could undertake an education program, with the initial target the US black community, of teaching them about, say, Obama’s Top 10 betrayals, and Obama’s Top 5 betrayals of Afro-Americans.

It seems that there are white people all over the political spectrum that assume African Americans are in need of some education. My gawd, if this wasn't white privileged thinking in a nutshell, I'd have to laugh.

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