Sunday, June 26, 2011

Poutragers: Karl Rove is counting on you

This week Karl Rove wrote an article titled Why Obama is Likely to Lose in 2012 (yeah right, in your dreams Karl!). He listed 3 reasons for this prediction. Other than the economy and the fact that President Obama hasn't signed on to Republican policies, he says this:

Mr. Obama also has problems with his base. For example, Jewish voters are upset with his policy toward Israel, and left-wing bloggers at last week's NetRoots conference were angry over Mr. Obama's failure to deliver a leftist utopia.

Given some of what we see just on the surface, do we really think that Karl is not at least fanning the flames - if not subsidizing this kind of thing financially? If your answer is "no," then you haven't paid enough attention to Rove's career.

I'm tempted to chalk this up to another one of those examples of Common Goals...where the poutragers team up with Karl Rove.

And of course, villagers like Dana Milbank are weighing in as well.

Democrats are less angry with Obama now than when he struck a deal with Republicans preserving the Bush tax cuts. But the breadth of Obama’s fights with his political base is striking.

I'd suggest that you all go check out p m carpenter's takedown of this particular meme. Man, can that guy write. Its a thing of beauty to behold.

I persist, as does Obama, in a philosophical fidelity to progressive goals. But, good God, those progressives themselves, what an embarrassing, counterproductive, pathologically hypervirtuous bunch of infantile nincompoops they can be.

But as to Milbank's reference to Obama's "base," I'd simply point you to Gallup's latest weekly poll on Obama's favorability. His approval stands at 83% with Democrats and 86% with Liberal Democrats. Over and over again, people have tried to point out that the poutragers are not "the base." They are a small group of keyboard activists who go around shouting a lot and creating enough noise to get the attention of the controversy-addicted MSM.

Another example of where the real base stands comes today from Blackwaterdog. She quotes an article from the LA Times reporting on the fact that the Obama campaign is attracting more small donors.

Reporting from Washington— President Obama's next major fundraising filing will show a dramatic increase in the number of small donors so far this year compared with 2008, his campaign said Saturday.

"We had 180,000 contributors at this point in the last campaign; now it's well over 300,000," said spokesman Ben LaBolt in an email previewing the upcoming filing. LaBolt declined to elaborate except to say in his note that the filing will show "small dollar contributors back in greater numbers."

The total as of this writing is up to 378,358 with a goal of 450,000 by this Thursday (end of the quarter). I'd suggest we all click on that link and donate whatever we can afford. It doesn't matter how much, lets just show Karl that his predictions are terribly wrong and if he's counting on the poutragers - his strategy has failed miserably.

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