Monday, June 6, 2011

Why Rush Limbaugh's candidate fails

I don't always agree with Peter Beinart on policy issues, but I do think he is one of the best at reading the politics of our times. In his most recent column, he explains why a lousy economy won't sink Obama. In it is a great section that is not enough to describe a winning election - at least for me. But it is important as a buffer when we start to feel discouraged about the crazy goings on amongst the Republican nominees.

In a party as ideologically charged as today’s GOP, it’s enormously difficult to win over base voters — and bring them to the polls in November — while also appearing ideologically mainstream. Obama will exploit that. The happier Rush Limbaugh is with the Republican nominee, the easier it will be for Obama to galvanize Democrats to go to the polls.

I would also say that the happier Rush Limbaugh is with the Republican nominee, the more unhappy centrist Republicans and independents will be with him/her. And yeah, Obama will exploit that. But if, my some miracle, the GOP base gets sane and nominates a more electable candidate, you're certain to see more conciliatory rhetoric as ruthless strategy from President Obama.



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