Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Forget Jack and Rose

Those of us left on the Titanic are watching as this Republican Party throws

disabled and senior citizens

off the ship and saving the lifeboats for.... you guessed it, their Corporate Sponsors.

Who's running for office in your area?
They might need your ideas and elbow grease!

Bernie, for inspiration.


  1. Welcome sige!!!!!

    For those of you who might not have noticed, I invited sige to post here with me. We've are long time blog friends (although we've never gotten to meet face to face).

    What you'll see from sige is that she has a very different writing style than me. She's a poet at heart.

    I hope you'll all enjoy!

  2. Thanks for the welcome, Smarty! I hope I don't scare off your regular readers with my disjointed muse rambles. If so, well, they're short rambles and easy to scroll by.

    At any rate, we all have WORK to do. Coffee, tea and fruit served on the side.



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