Saturday, July 16, 2011

Tell me the difference between these two

While some people continue to be surprised at the degree of insanity embraced by Tim Pawlenty, this Minnesotan is not.

As debt ceiling negotiations race towards their thrilling conclusion, Tim Pawlenty is calling on Republicans to avoid tax increases at all costs, even it means default...

TPM asked Pawlenty whether Republicans should raise the debt ceiling if their only two options are default or a deal that includes higher taxes. He replied that the party cannot and will not offer any concessions on revenue and that America may need a "dramatic moment" to effect the "quantum change" the country needs.

So I guess that puts Pawlenty in the "no compromise" crowd.

But how is that any different from this Daily Kos front-pager who says The deal is no deal.

What am I willing to give up so that Congress will follow through on its constitutional obligation to protect the credit of the nation? Exactly what I'm willing to give up to ensure that the sun rises, that water is wet, and that Republicans will toady to the rich. Nothing, that's what I'll give up...

Just don't get confused. There is no compromise on this ground.

Its pretty clear that's the same "no compromise" ground that Pawlenty is standing on.

These are the folks that give fodder to the "moral equivalency" argument about the left being as bad as the right. As such, I'll call them out and say that they are an embarrassment to our side just as we call on the Republicans to do the same.

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't seem to be a dimes worth of difference.
    I've even heard some say let the GOP have all the power so people can see how they destroy things. The suggestion is that the Republican brand would be ruined for years to come. The "burn it down to save it" mentality.

    Yeah, that worked so well in 2000.
    And in 2010. Look at all the anti voting, anti choine and anti union bills that have been passed. In the meantime, where are the jobs the GOP promised would be created due to tax cuts for the rich??? Hell, just create a jobs bill instead of doing stupid shit like banning energy saving light bulbs.


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