Thursday, July 14, 2011

You might be an Obamabot if...

- You object to the use of blackface at any time under any circumstances.

- You recognize that the public option NEVER had 60 votes in the Senate.

- You don't think it was a good idea to primary Bernie Sanders.

- You think that "drawing a line in the sand" with hostage takers is not the greatest strategy.

- You understand the meaning and importance of a north star in politics.

- You believe that slow and steady really does win the race.

- You pay attention to what people outside the progressive blogosphere are saying and thinking.

- You remember enough history to know that FDR and LBJ had their faults.

- You remember enough history to know that Social Security had some serious flaws when it originally passed.

- You remember that it was 9 years from the Montgomery Bus Boycott until the Civil Rights Law was passed.

- You understand what the phrase "we are the one's we've been waiting for" means.

- You can acknowledge that Medicare will need to be reformed in order to be fiscally sustainable in the future.

- You know that Congress is the body the Constitution enabled to pass legislation.

- You value reasoned argument and thoughtful strategy over emo rants.

- You think there might actually be some Republican and Independent voters left who can still be reasoned with.

- You doubt that all public policy issues can be solved through use of the bully pulpit.

- You know that change takes more than "yelling louder."

If you want to add to the list - please feel free to do so in the comments. I might update as others come to mind.

Of course, if you believe ALL of those things, we know what a certain firebagger thinks you are.


  1. You understand that progressivism is defined by policy goals rather than irrational and ineffective political tactics.

  2. You understand that most major legislation occurs thru compromise.

  3. You give and give and give money so that $86 million is in PBO's and DNC's coffers so far!

  4. You are not constantly telling the President what he 'needs' to do in any given situation.

    You're not awaiting the consequence of each presidential decision BEFORE affirming your support.

  5. If you think that it is possible a man who graduated from Harvard Law School with Honors might know a bit more about governing than a woman who graduated from Oral Roberts University. Even though that man is Black and the woman is Caucasian.


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