Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Kettle River, Lake Superior and Seven Bridges Road

There's nothing like a trip to the temple of Mother Nature to restore one's sanity. Here's a taste of my journey today.

Kettle River Rapids

Duluth bluffs overlooking Lake Superior

Lester River

The Lester River and Seven Bridges Road both wind down the bluffs overlooking Lake Superior, crossing - you guessed it - seven times with beautiful stone bridges.

It inspired this Eagles song.

What an amazing day!!!!!!!!


  1. Smartypants, how do you post a comment on your sight. I tried yesterday and it didn't show up.
    Roberta in MN

  2. This one did Roberta. Do you know what you did differently today?

    If you have any other problems with getting a comment posted, feel free to email me. My address is in my profile.

  3. "Seven Bridges Road" is one of my all-time top-ten favorite songs, Ms Pants. Thank you for the pictures and the song. Happy the day was beautiful for you.


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