Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Did Obama change his negotiating strategy?

Some folks are making the assumption that since President Obama is taking a different approach with The American Jobs Act than he has with other issues, perhaps he has finally learned his lesson about his so-called "weak" negotiating skills.


Today Joe Markowitz has a great column about that over at Hope and Change titled All or Nothing? This is especially helpful since Joe is a professional negotiator. He points out that this time there is no hostage at stake. And in situations like that, your strategies naturally change.

Given that the jobs bill is not seen as a do or die piece of legislation, despite its importance to the economy, it makes perfect sense for the administration to adopt a no-compromise approach to it. This is basic Negotiation 101. If you MUST make a deal, you are going to have to compromise, because the other side knows you must make a deal. And therefore you probably won't get your best deal, but you will get something accomplished.. On the other hand, if you can afford to walk away from a deal, you can also afford to be uncompromising, because you win either way. Either you make the deal you want, or you blame the other side for the failure to conclude the negotiation. I think it is the nature of the jobs bill, as much as any change in strategy to bolster the public's perception of the president, that explains President Obama's changes in tactics.

Thank you Joe!

The only thing I'd add is that the other thing that's changed is - with an upcoming election - the President is not just negotiating with Congress for votes. This time we will get to weigh in shortly and so he's negotiating with us as well. He's placing his bet on the idea that voters will support him in proposing that, while the government is not the only job creator, it needs to do something NOW to boost the economy. And that yes, its time for the wealthy in this country to pony up and put some skin in the game.


  1. Great find. I can't imagine that the PL will understand this idea though, as we've learned, they don't don nuance and reality very well.

  2. Heh - "they don't do nuance and reality very well."

    So true!!!! And its why they're making themselves increasingly irrelevant.

  3. Thanks for the mention, Smartypants. Most of the people who say that Obama is a bad negotiator really don't know what they are talking about. You have to challenge them to prove that some different tactics would have gotten a better deal. Which they can never do.

  4. 'Afternoon, Ms. Pants

    GREAT find. GREAT piece (as is your piece that precedes this. THANK YOU, good ma'am)

    And, I hope it spreads to any number of other places. Particularly as extremeliberal points out some of the challenges that the PL have.

    I'm sending it to my group RIGHT now.

    Have a better one today.


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