Thursday, September 15, 2011

Entering the very center of the conflict

When I read this...

President Obama will promote his jobs bill at a bridge important to House Speaker John Boehner’s (R-Ohio) district next week, the White House announced Thursday.

The White House said that Obama would visit the Brent Spence Bridge in Ohio on Sept. 22 in order to highlight the “urgent need” for infrastructure improvements, one of the ideas included in his bill...

The 48-year-old bridge, which spans the Ohio River between Ohio and Kentucky, has been under review by transportation officials in the two states for massive repair or replacement. The double-decker inter-state bridge has been described as “functionally obsolete.”

...I immediately thought of the best diary ever written about Obama's style (warning: Daily Kos link). It compares his approach to the Aikido Way, which identifies the four things required for change..

1] We must maintain our own balance while taking theirs
2] We must react fearlessly
3] We must enter into the very center of the conflict
4] We must understand our opponent's intentions in order to achieve resolution

So take that you Michael Moore's of the world. I've had it with your "Obama is weak" crap.

He's entering the very center of the conflict...fearlessly. And he's saying "This one's for you Boehner!"


  1. Obama fights intellectually. Republicans fight emotionally. When voters don't think, emotion wins over intelligence.

  2. Sophie here.

    Jerry, the fight is over the emotions of the voters. And understanding them should not hurt your strategy. I am not worried about Obamas chances. He can do emotion, when necessary.


They want us all to be so overwhelmed that the whole idea of resistance seems pointless

Cartoon by Haitian artist Watson Mere If you feel like you woke up in one country yesterday and went to bed in a whole different one, then ...