Sunday, September 11, 2011

When a Man Loves a Woman

When I saw this picture over at The Obama Diary, I immediately thought of the song "When a Man Loves a Woman."


Its not the first time we've seen that.



  1. I also liked the one posted at OBD where she is straightening his tie and they are holding hands while walking up to the memorial.

  2. It's very touching. I would hate to fast forward and see her replaced with a 24 year old Swedish model.

  3. Awwwww -- Smartypants. :>) BEYOND SWEET! :>)


    THANK U. :>)

  4. Smartypants ---I'm the Anonymous - --GreenLadyHere. LOL

    I 'ON'T KNOW how 2 "work this". LOL. :>)

  5. I love this. Thanks so much.

    I don't think many people realize how deeply transgressive this family is, to some people. They so totally break not only the "dysfunctional Black family" myths, but the still very prevalent myths that Black people don't really fall in love. That Black women, especially, are not capable of being loved (by Black men, or men of any other color for that matter) the way that Michelle is obviously loved by her husband.

    This, even more than the fact that he is a Black father to two very beautiful, smart children simply infuriates people. Even if they don't know it.

    Which, I think, is one reason why you rarely to never see posts on some sites extolling Michelle Obama, who - regardless of what one thinks of her husband or his policies - has an amazing story of her own.

    Anyway, told ya I'd come hang out with you! Glad I did, I needed a smile today.

  6. This post is great Smartypants. They are a lovely couple.

  7. GreenLadyHere - I can always tell its you :>) LOL

    Nanette - so glad I could bring a smile.


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