Sunday, November 20, 2011

We've got your back Michelle...

...because you've always had ours.



  1. That's right we have FLOTUS back
    Those NASCAR fans should be ashamed of themselves

  2. you have it right. this country is so lucky to have Michelle Obama as FLOTUS

  3. If Mrs. Obama were white they would have show her respect for no reason other than she was the First Lady. The booing only make them look like the racists idiots they are. Mrs. Obama and Dr. Biden will continue to do all they can for our brave and wonderful military men and women and their families. Yesterday they show class and dignity at the Nascar race, because they were there for those families. This American is proud and thankful for what they are doing.God Bless the First Lady and Jill Biden and God Bless our brave soldiers and their families.

  4. Yes we do, and yes, we will. We are blessed to have this beautiful, strong woman as FLOTUS.

  5. Thank you, smartypants..these pics are brilliant and say thousands of words. Michelle Obama, First Lady of the USA, is a super FLOTUS and I feel sorry for those who have no inkling.

    Got the Prez' too!


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