Monday, December 5, 2011

EPA to partner with the Army on "Net Zero"

First of all, what is Net Zero?

The goal is to manage our installations not only on a net zero energy basis, but net zero water and waste as well. We are creating a culture that recognizes the value of sustainability measured not just in terms of financial benefits, but benefits to maintaining mission capability, quality of life, relationships with local communities, and the preservation of options for the Army's future.

Just a couple of months ago, we learned that the Army leveraged 5 million acres of land to secure $7 billion of private investment in renewable energy as part of this plan to get 25% of their energy from renewable sources by 2025.

Last week Paul Anastas, assistant administrator for the Office of Research and Development and science advisor to the Environmental Protection Agency, and Katherine Hammack, assistant secretary of the Army for Installations, Energy and Environment, signed a memorandum of understanding that will allow the Army to leverage the Office of Research and Development's leading-edge research to enhance the Army's Net Zero and sustainability goals at Army installations.

The EPA's Anastas summarized the connection this way:

You are protecting the nation. We are making the nation worth protecting.

What we have here is another example of good government at work.

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