Saturday, January 28, 2012

Mayor Cory Booker on minority rights

People who read here regularly know that I'm a big fan of Newark Mayor Cory Booker. The video below is a wonderful demonstration of why.

On Wednesday, Booker held a press conference to talk about public safety achievements in the City over the past year. One reporter went off topic and asked him what he thought about Gov. Christie's proposal for a New Jersey referendum of gay marriage.

Booker gave a passioned and thoughtful statement about why minority rights should NEVER be subject to majority rule. Of course this applies to the subject of gay rights in general and gay marriage in particular. But with the racist/sexist attacks we've seen lately from some extremists on the right - its a powerful reminder for us on those issues as well.

1 comment:

  1. Hell, yes. Now I wish I lived in Newark so I could vote for this guy. (Never thought I'd want to be in Newark for any reason.)


Speaker Johnson - who claims to base his political positions on the Bible - continues to lie

Back in January, I documented that Mike Johnson - who claims to base his politics on biblical principles - told seven lies about immigratio...