Saturday, January 21, 2012

Schadenfreude Rox!

Today I'm thinking about how awful I felt watching the results of the 2010 midterm elections. But it got worse. In the ensuing days we had to watch Republicans think they had captured the high ground with American voters and lecture all of us about it.

Yeah, those were ugly days.

So today I'm going to take a moment - as South Carolinians go to the polls - and revel in a little schadenfreude.

A malicious satisfaction obtained from the misfortunes of others.

I know its not "nice" to be malicious. But surely it won't hurt for just a day ;-)

After all, check out some of this news:

From the wingers at Powerline:

It is painful to contemplate the extent of the GOP wipeout that would follow a Gingrich nomination. Would Newt carry a state? Wyoming, maybe? South Carolina? The Republican Party could kiss its hopes of retaking the Senate goodbye, and likely would lose control over the House...

For once, they're probably right. As BooMan says, "People hate Newt."

Trouble is...the one thing the Republican base hates worse than Newt is Mitt, as Matt Bai found out when he talked to tea partier Karen Martin in Greenville, SC.

Then our conversation turned to Mitt Romney, and Martin’s sunny countenance darkened. “I don’t know a single Tea Party person,” she said, slowly drawing out her words, “who does not despise Mitt Romney to the very core of their being.” I searched her face for levity or compassion, but found neither.

As a matter of fact, its gotten so bad down there in SC that Mitt has had to bus in Mormon supporters from the DC area.

So I'll say my penance tomorrow. Today I'm going to enjoy the schadenfreude of watching the Republicans self-destruct for a while.


  1. Smartypants I join you in your moment of schadenfreude as I, too, watched 2010 in dismay and crushing disappointment. I hope Newt is the nominee, and the GOP goes down in flames in 2012.

  2. Smartypants I join you in your moment of schadenfreude as I, too, watched 2010 in dismay and crushing disappointment. I hope Newt is the nominee, and the GOP goes down in flames in 2012.

  3. I know Newt because he and I are from GA. He's an egotistical blowhard who has sold the GOP voters a load of BS for 20+ years. He's their "big thinker" and "ideas man." The problem is that all of his policies are RW rhetoric with a glaze of racism on top, with little connection to truth or reality. Because he crafts his message to "sound" good and throws in a bit of racism and xenophobia, the far right thinks he's a "strong" candidate/politician. I want Newt to win in SC, FL, and in the majority of the southern states, and I think he will, because if there's anything I know, it's the southern conservative voters and what drives them to the polls, and despite their claims, it isn't the important issues like debt, income inequality, or the deficit.

  4. Heck, I'm wallowing in it! I plan on enjoying it thoroughly. I look at this as the Republican's just desserts for their cynical playing to the worst elements in human nature. Well, now they have to deal with a candidate who embodies them.

  5. Revel in it. They themselves are the ones who, even as I type, are voting for a venomous toad as their Presidential nominee. Their own bile and viciousness is leading them to self-destruct by favoring a man who also embodies those traits. It's totally self-inflicted.

    If Gingrich wins SC and Santorum drops out, Gingrich could well go on to win Florida. If you think it's schadenfreude time now, just wait until you see the total panic that would engulf the Republican establishment if that happened.

  6. I feel like that guy Nelson from the Simpsons. Just point at them and HAHA.



Speaker Johnson - who claims to base his political positions on the Bible - continues to lie

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