Wednesday, January 25, 2012

When he sets his mind to something...

President Obama continues to put a lie to those on the right who try to call him an "appeaser" and those on the left who call him "weak." He has a special kind of steely determination, courage and strength when he sets his mind to something. I'd suspect that - were they able to be honest - those who've gone head-to-head with him (and survived) would tell you that "you don't mess with this guy."

We see that again this morning with the Navy Seal Team rescue of hostages from Somali pirates. Remember, Somali rescue operations have a reputation for not going so well, ie "Blackhawk Down".

American commandos raced into Somalia on Wednesday morning and rescued two aid workers, including an American woman, after a shootout with Somali pirates who had been holding them captive for months.

The American soldiers swooped in by helicopter, killed nine pirates and captured several others, before spiriting away the hostages, who were not harmed, Western officials said.

It appeared that President Obama was fully aware of the raid as he was about to give his State of the Union speech on Tuesday night, which would have been early Wednesday in Somalia.

According to NBC News, as the president stepped into the House chambers, he pointed to Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta standing in the crowd and said, “Leon. Good job tonight. Good job tonight.” The president made no mention of the rescue in Somalia, but he did refer to the killing of Osama bin Laden in a similar operation conducted in May by Navy Seals.

In a statement Wednesday from the White House, the president said he authorized the operation on Monday. “Thanks to the extraordinary courage and capabilities of our Special Operations forces, yesterday Jessica Buchanan was rescued and she is on her way home. As commander in chief, I could not be prouder of the troops who carried out this mission, and the dedicated professionals who supported their efforts.”

So once again, much like he knew about the bin Laden raid during his speech at the White House Correspondent's Dinner, he knew about this when he walked into the chamber last night to give his State of the Union speech. But he waited until the right time to make his announcement. I suspect this had to come first.

In a phone call from the U.S. Capitol immediately after the State of the Union Address, President Barack Obama informs John Buchanan that his daughter Jessica was rescued by U.S. Special Operations Forces in Somalia, Jan. 24, 2012.


  1. How about this smack down to "appeaser" lies:

    "Anyone who tells you that America is in decline or that our influence has waned, doesn't know what they're talking about." - President Obama

    1. Rhoda,

      There were so many lines like that in the speech last night.

      I got the impression PBO has been watching these Republicans lie repeatedly and has just about had ENOUGH!

    2. Hi SP
      I had exactly the same impression! He was telling them and America I have had enough of this BS and now I am going to show you what I mean!
      The speech was magnificient.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. "Ending the Iraq war has allowed us to strike decisive blows against our enemies. From Pakistan to Yemen, the al Qaeda operatives who remain are scrambling, knowing that they can’t escape the reach of the United States of America."

    And the Republicans should learn that this President is patient, but when that runs out, he does not mess around.

  4. Yup! He's "The Man!"

  5. it was sooo exciting to see him hand them back their heads on his platter last night!!

    my post at last night...



  6. I just absolutely adore our President Obama. I had given up all hope till he took office. Finally a President who actually cares about the people. Thank you Mr. President for all your efforts and triumphs. You'll be getting my vote 2012. =)


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