Friday, January 6, 2012

Who's fired up for 2012? Obama's base!

Boy oh boy, did Tom Jensen of Public Policy Polling ever burst some bubbles today for the baggers of tea and fire! He just published the results of polling they've done to determine voter enthusiasm in different groups of the electorate. And guess what they found...

The group of voters most excited about voting this year, tied with the Tea Party, is African Americans. The thought that black voters are going to stay home and let the country's first black President lose for reelection because everything hasn't gone perfect is wishful thinking on the part of Republicans [Editors note: and firebaggers]. I will be surprised if there is any dropoff in turnout from African Americans this year.

The group tied for the third most excited out of the 18 we looked at here? Young voters. And when you take a deeper look at the folks under 30 who say they're 'very excited' about voting this fall, they support Obama by a 69-31 margin over a generic Republican opponent. Those folks are going to be out again this fall as well.

I'd guess that President Obama has gotten an assist here from things like the racism and homophobia coming from the Republican alternatives.

But for too long, as regular media and the blogosphere have fed off the mother's milk of conflict and disappointment, some of us have known that the majority of the President's base has stayed firm in their support. Thanks PPP for documenting what we've always suspected is true.


  1. they support Obama by a 69-31 margin over a generic Republican opponent. Those folks are going to be out again this fall as well.

    That's what I'm talking 'bout!

  2. Clearly the people most enthusiastic about voting are the ones being targeted by the new voter suppression laws.

  3. I've wondered for a while about the unenthusiasm for Obama. It didn't seem likely that only the wonks like me would be voting in the next election.

    I will admit, that I was pretty disgusted at DOJ/Obama during the DADT battle. I understood the reasoning, I understood the posturing due to legal forces but ...

    You must remember that in some parts of the country, to be a liberal/progressive is to be a self-immolation suicide (almost literally in Terrebonne Parish). Those of use who've spent the last 40-50 years in MS, TX and AL are pretty tired from trying to maintain.

    It's good to be reminded that there are places where miscegenation is an unknown word.


This is how we puncture the media narrative about Democrats being powerless

Major media outlets (ie, New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times) have been critiqued for normalizing the anti-democratic agenda of Dona...