Saturday, February 4, 2012


It's OK if you are republican

After months of hearing Republican presidential candidates tell us how the Bible and their particular brand of christianity should direct public policy here in the US - and decades of hearing the same from many conservatives in general - its particularly ironic how some of them reacted to President Obama's speech at the National Prayer Breakfast where he talked about how his faith informs his politics.

From The Root:

Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah blasted President Obama on Thursday, saying he's not Jesus, according to New York's Daily News.

The Republican was outraged by the president's remarks at a National Prayer Breakfast. In the speech, Obama said that raising taxes on the wealthy was rooted in Jesus' teachings of "for unto whom much is given, much shall be required."

"Someone needs to remind the president that there was only one person who walked on water, and he did not occupy the Oval Office," Hatch said during a speech he made from the Senate floor

He's outraged - I tell you - outraged that the president would claim to apply what Jesus teaches to his public policy positions!!! This is totally uncalled for in American politics. And we need to put a stop to it NOW!

Until its time for the Republicans to tell us what they think Jesus says about things like homosexuality, abortion, prayer in public schools, evolution, letting the poor suffer, etc.

After all, we are a "christian nation" and President Obama is waging a secular war on our faith.

< snark off >

My gawd, do these people ever actually listen to their ignorant selves?


  1. "My gawd, do these people ever actually listen to their ignorant selves?"

    They're self-righteous; they're filled with certainty. Certainty has no need for questions. The opposite of reflection and self-knowledge is self-oblivious certainty.

  2. I'm not surprised by this. Christianity simply doesn't support the GOP's view of economics. Jesus condemned the money changers at the temple and what about that version that talks about "all things in common?"

    This is a contradiction that the GOP has always had trouble with and it's not a surprise that they find offense to what Obama said.

    But it is ironic, though. All of a sudden, it's not okay for a politician to acknowledge the influence of Christianity in their public policy decisions. Ha!

    1. Actually Jesus told the young rich man who had kept the law that to truly be pure of heart to give all he had to the poor and to follow him... I do not see Obama who is also rich nor any other politician doing that...

    2. In the passage you're referring to, Jesus is speaking to one person in order to illustrate the dangers of worshiping and relying on wealth instead of ones relationship with God. It's not a call for Obama to give all he has to the poor. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

    3. To both Anonymous's:

      The fact remains that when its comes to economics, Christianity and the Republican party don't see eye to eye. This is regardless of how both of you choose to intrepret the Bible. Both examples I mention do not support the GOP's political views despite their claim that they (not the Democrats) are more into Christian values.

      This contradiction is so painful for many conservatives that some have even gone as far as edit the Bible to remove verses like the ones I mentioned.

  3. Listen carefully to what the Repugs say and you'll notice that they rarely, if ever, actually quote Jesus, as Obama did. Instead they twist the Bible to fit their own views. That's because Jesus loved the poor and the downtrodden, and hated the rich. Not exactly what the righties are saying on the campaign trail, is it? And they call themselves Christians? Ha ha!

  4. “These people walk by a widow deformed by leprosy...walk by children dressed in rags living in the street, and they think, 'Business as usual.' But if they perceive a slight against God, it is a different story. Their faces go red, their chests heave mightily, they sputter angry words. The degree of their indignation is astonishing. Their resolve is frightening.”
    ― Yann Martel, Life of Pi

  5. The primary motivation for Hatch's comments have to do with a threat from the tea partiers in UT to primary him, so he has to appear to bully PBO in order to make them feel that he has nothing in common with him. One of the tea partiers' claims is that Hatch votes "with" dems too much, even though he is one of the most conservative members of Congress. IMHO, this is shameful. Hatch, an elderly man and a senior member of Congress has to stoop to stupid attacks like this to save his seat. If he had any integrity, he would never have attacked PBO about his comments about Christianity and governing at the NPB. Phil Gingrey (R-GA,) who is one of my state's reps, walked out of the NPB. I hope these tools don't think this makes PBO look bad, because it is they who come across as petty, childish, and not fit to serve.

    1. Interesting...I did not know this.

      So, even Orrin Hatch is not immune from the TP's insanity. Wow!


MAGA is also about an attack on the disabled

The list of words the Trump administration is banning tells us all we need to know about their attack on civil rights. But a couple of word...