Thursday, April 26, 2012

Senator Franken honors Sheila Wellstone

Yep...that's my Senator. And I couldn't be more proud of you than I am today!

I believe that Senator Franken gets up every day vowing to do whatever he can to honor the legacy of his good friends Paul and Sheila Wellstone. That's probably not a bad way to live your life.

Sometimes I think that I still have faith in the possibility of honest politicians because I once had the honor of being represented by the Wellstones.

Sheila - with all the support Paul could provide - worked tirelessly on behalf of women who are the victims of domestic violence. I have to believe that while she'd be celebrating todays Senate reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, she'd also be a bit furious that it was even controversial.

So I join you today Senator Franken in remembering the legacy of this great American couple.  I also join you in getting a little teary when I think about how very much we miss them.



  1. Al Franken is a fine man honoring fine people.

  2. Thanks for including Sen Franken. His speech was wonderful & powerful!

  3. I see that pic of the Wellstones every day, because the Academic Health Center muscular dystrophy research center is named for them.


Speaker Johnson - who claims to base his political positions on the Bible - continues to lie

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