Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Another example of why Mitt can't get beyond his like-ability problem

One thing that has been consistent in the polls for months now is that Romney has a serious "like-ability" problem. The latest ABC/WaPo poll asked who "seems like the more friendly and likable person." The results: Obama 61% and Romney 27%.

So every now and then a candidate lets an interviewer look behind the scenes of their everyday life to combat this kind of problem. Romney did that yesterday and here's what they came up with.

Tip for the Romney campaign: Going behind the scenes only reinforces what a dick your candidate is. And it seems like the Romney family is so used to it that they don't even recognize when they reinforce it: "Grandpa's so cute when he's being an asshole."


  1. That horrible, ugly disgusting laugh is Mitt Romney's tell.

  2. The amazing thing is how often these embarrassing stories come from his own family members. They really seem to think the stories put Mitt in a better light. The dog-on-the-roof story came from one of the kids who apparently thought it showed that their father was calm in a crisis.

    1. I should probably shut up about this - but I think it speaks to a mythologized narrative about Grandpa Mitt that some of them are pissed off about - perhaps unconsciously.

      I find it absolutely fascinating that of all the potential stories Tagg might have told about family gatherings and meals, he picks one that makes Mitt look like a total asshole - even to his family. Its hard for me to believe that's just a mistake.

    2. You're right. It's not as if Tagg (what's up with those names anyway?) is a five- year-old. He's well aware what's at stake here. What a creepy family!


    3. You're right. It's not as if Tagg (what's up with those names anyway?) is a five- year-old. He's well aware what's at stake here. What a creepy family!



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