Sunday, October 7, 2012

"I'm his number one fan"

A couple of weeks ago, I posted this picture of Janiya Penny being overcome at meeting President Obama.

And now, we learn the story behind the photo.
Penny has sickle cell anemia, a life-threatening disease that often leaves her in excruciating pain. She was approached by Make-A-Wish almost three years ago. When they found out that she wanted to meet the President, they tried to get her to change her wish -- they just weren't sure they could make it happen.

Penny, however, was resolute, says her mother, Breale Gray.

"I'm his number one fan," Penny told HuffPost.

It all began in 2008, Gray told HuffPost, when Penny and her mother closely followed the election of the first African-American president. Although Penny was only 4 at the time, her mother says that she already had a sense of the significance of the historical moment.

They stayed up late to watch President Obama give his inaugural speech. Penny proclaimed that it was due to her wearing her Obama T-shirt on election day that the President was able to win.

Almost four years later, on August 8, 2012, Penny finally got to meet her hero.
OK, off to grab the kleenex...bless you Janiya.

I sure hope you have that lucky t-shirt ready for a repeat performance on November 6th!


  1. President Obama, the current president of the USA, is challenging the countries to hope and change just like we were asked to about a year or so ago. What countries do you think will take on this challenge? Which ones will not? How can you make your country better?


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