Monday, February 4, 2013

Photo of the Day: A wise & empathetic Latina

At her Wednesday night book talk here, Justice Sonia Sotomayor glided through her audience of 700, dispensing homespun wisdom through a cordless microphone, interrupted by impromptu applause.

When the moderator read a question from Tabbie Major, age 7, about which books Justice Sotomayor loved as a child, she found the girl, locked her in an embrace, held on while reminiscing about Nancy Drew mysteries and then called out for a photographer to capture the moment. No need: a good portion of the crowd was already snapping pictures.
Remember what President Obama said when - just before he nominated Sotomayor - he talked about what he was looking for in a Supreme Court Justice?

Ya done good on that one Mr. President. Thank you!!!!


  1. Sotomayor is someone I have a real fondness for. She seems very much like she'd be a great grandma to someone. I have a lot of respect for that. All her intelligence, of course, but I swear it that I find that people who can be loving to people in the moment like this are the ones who really float my boat these days. It's the most important thing.

    1. I have a definite girl-crush on Sonia.

      After I started reading her book I looked into when she was born. She's about 6 months younger than me. But its like we grew up in 2 different worlds.

      Anyway, she is what I want to be when I grow up :-)

    2. Grow's an interesting concept. I don't know where I am on it.


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