Thursday, September 5, 2013

Latest Snowden leak: US is spying on al Qaeda

Wait a minute! I thought this conversation about NSA surveillance was supposed to be about how the government was invading our privacy. At least that was the rationale Edward Snowden used for stealing classified documents.

But while we've all been talking about Syria, where the intelligence gathering of several countries is helping answer the questions about the Assad regime's use of chemical weapons, the most recent Snowden revelations have clearly gone off the rails.

First of all, we learned that NSA spies on foreign governments (OMG!). But the latest leak published by the Washington Post is really disturbing. Apparently some of the documents Snowden stole show us that the US is spying on al Qaeda.

The primary reaction to that one would be a ginormous "DUH?" But beyond that, you have to ask yourself what the hell Snowden thought he was doing in stealing and leaking information about that?

I suppose that journalists find it irresistible to pass up the chance to report on how al Qaeda is responding to drone attacks (they're trying to avoid them...another ginormous "DUH?"), but don't you really have to wonder when at least one of them is going to stand up and ask the obvious questions about what Snowden's REAL motives were in stealing this stuff? Both his and Greenwald's original explanation that this was all about an individual's right to privacy are nothing short of absurd at this point.

With Snowden now ensconced in Russia and being handled by an alliance between Putin and Wikileaks, there's really a MUCH bigger story here that the media is totally ignoring.


  1. @Smartypants Please refer to the following article for more clues:

    Also, remember that Greenwald legitimizes terrorist activities against the USA:

    It shouldn't be surprising then that Snowden and Wikileaks share the same views and condemn US government and its allies efforts to fight back against al Qaeda.

  2. You make fun of the spying on foreign governments. But for completeness sake you might mention that this spying also included spying on allied governments, whom the US had promised not to spy on. That is at least a little awkward, I would say.

    Also, the other thing not considered is, that NSA and foreign spy agencies seem to have traded infos about the respective other countries citizens.


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