Sunday, November 24, 2013

The 10 best

A couple of weeks ago the legend known as Chipsticks from The Obama Diary took to twitter in order to document the 10 best pictures of the Obama era. Unfortunately, even legends can be wrong. So I thought that my return to the world of blogging would be a good time to set the record straight. After all, its really important that we get this one right, isn't it?   ;-)

(Oops, how did that one get in there? Bad Smarty!)

So there you have it: the 10 best. We all agree on that...don't we?


  1. 'We all agree on that...don't we?'

    I don't know about that, SP. I feel sure I could come up with 10 others that would also be 'the best'. This president has a lot of 'bests' - he really does. We are so, so blessed to be alive in such a time as this!

    1. Of course you're right. But shhhhh...don't tell anyone ;-)

    2. So glad to see you back, smartypants.

      You have been missed.

  2. You gotta add a zero to that - there is a 100 best. I still love the one with the kids in Minneapolis in the photo shoot, the ones with the three little kids peering out the daycare window with POTUS looking at them, the one of him speaking in Dublin, at Chicago headquarters after the 2012 election. OK gotta stop.

  3. I think I would substitute in this photo of PBO and Ruby Bridges standing in front of the iconic Norman Rockwell painting in the passage to the Oval Office:

    I'll always remember that photo in the rain in Virginia just after his grandmother had passed when then Senator Obama made his last best case for his election to the presidency. For some reason it always reminds me of Henry Fonda's Tom Joad speech from the Grapes of Wrath. Perhaps it's the appeal to our better angels.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Nice choice! But what about the cowboy hat one?

  6. "But what about the cowboy hat one?"

    Too sexy

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I thought I posted this twice, I had to sign in with google.

    Smartypants, so glad you are back. You have a voice that needs to be heard. I missed that.

    I kept checking back to see if you were here. Saw you a few times on TOD with your tweets so I knew you were okay.

    Welcome home. I look forward to reading your threads soon.

  9. It's from about 2007, but I love this one:

  10. Welcome back, Ms. Smartypants! You've been missed!

  11. How many little boys have had their head touched by this President? Life changing for them and I would guess there have been thousands of lives changed in this way! Especially when there is such eye to eye connection.


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