Saturday, December 6, 2014

Competition Works. Who Knew?

A lot of liberals (like Paul Krugman) doubted that competition among insurers in the marketplaces created by Obamacare would work to control the cost of premiums. But here's the news from Kaiser this week.
A surge in health insurer competition appears to be helping restrain premium increases in hundreds of counties next year, with prices dropping in many places where newcomers are offering the least expensive plans, according to a Kaiser Health News analysis of federal premium records.
Liberals tend to have a love/hate relationship with the engines of capitalism - like competition. But a pragmatic approach would suggest that its important to use them where they will work and articulate why when they won't. That won't fit well on a bumper-sticker. But being able to promote a government that works is the best defense of liberalism.

When it comes to Obamacare, it looks like its going to require a commitment to the long game to see that one out over the fear-mongering we're hearing from a lot of conservatives. But I simply view that as noise. Every piece of information that comes out telling us that its working makes it that much more likely that its here to stay.

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