Saturday, March 7, 2015

Some Personal Reflections on President Obama's Speech Today

I've hesitated to write anything about President Obama's speech in Selma today. I'm still too overwhelmed. That's because my reaction wasn't just about the speech. Listening to it, I was transported back through the last seven years.

After he won the Iowa caucus, I noticed that there was something special about this man, Barack Obama. I really started paying attention. The more I saw, the more impressed I became.

Eventually I realized that we were living through a truly historic time. And I wanted to soak up every minute, learn what I could, and document this American journey to the best of my ability.

That decision cost me some things. But I got way more back in return. Never has that been more clear to me than it was today.

So maybe I'll have more to say about this speech later. For now, I'm simply reveling in gratitude that I've been fortunate enough to live through this moment when we not only have our first African American President, but he also happens to be an amazing human being...and my hero.


  1. Privileged to be alive to witness the extraordinary man.

  2. that man is a president as presidents were meant to be


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