Saturday, June 20, 2015

For Republican Candidates, It's White Evangelicals 13/Latinos 1

Remember that Republican Party autopsy after the 2012 election? One of their six big take-aways was that GOP candidates needed to do a better job of reaching out to Latinos if they ever wanted to win back the White House.

Well...that's not happening.
An obvious place to start would be the nation’s annual “Latino political convention” here this week in Las Vegas, where more than 1,200 Hispanic leaders have gathered for, among other things, a presidential candidates forum.

Yet out of the GOP’s 16 declared or likely presidential candidates, only one — retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson — showed.

The absence of the others — including former Florida governor Jeb Bush, who made outreach to Latino voters a central theme of his Miami campaign launch Monday — illustrates the gulf between the GOP’s urgent need to present a more welcoming face to Hispanics and how far those running to be the party’s standard-bearer are willing to go to do so.
Of course all the no-shows cited "scheduling problems" as the reason they couldn't attend the presidential candidate forum at the 32nd annual NALEO convention. And yet, low and behold, 13 of them are available to attend the Faith and Freedom Coalition's "Road to the Majority" conference this weekend in Washington, D.C. Funny that.

To be perfectly honest, I'm not sure what would hurt these candidates diss the Latino community by not showing up, or to go and spout their nativist nonsense.

On the other hand, it doesn't look like any one of them has the white evangelical vote nailed down. So we're treated to the spectacle of 13 of them parading around for that crowd.

Excuse me, but so far this is looking an awful lot like the hot mess the 2012 Republican primary turned out to be - only worse.


  1. "To be perfectly honest, I'm not sure what would hurt these candidates diss the Latino community by not showing up, or to go and spout their nativist nonsense."

    Nancy, you answered your own question, except they are PROUD to spout their Exceptionalism HATE to their BLIND Acolytes! This was an EASY decision for any Republican.

    What You and I see as HATE, Conservative Christians consider LOVE, direct from Jesus himself!

    JOKE: What is one of the Major differences behind Conservative Muslems(ISIS) and Conservative Christians in America!

    One prefers Rope and Hangings to be the Best way to treat non-believers, while the other LOVES using swords to behead non-sickies!

    OBVIOUSLY today, ISIS is better at using social media than their American Brothers ( THE farrrrr Right)in HATE could ever think of.

  2. Looks like that 2012 Republican autopsy is itself in need of an autopsy. Outreach is deader than Romney's Presidential hopes. As if things weren't bad enough, Trump has now put a minefield in front of all the Republican candidates with his remarks about drugs, rapists, making Mexico pay for a wall, etc. The question every Republican candidate should be asked is, "Do you agree with what Trump said?" Repudiate it and alienate the knuckle-draggers, agree and drive away another generation of Latinos -- or hedge and fudge and evade, as they will, and risk turning off both.

    What is one of the Major differences behind Conservative Muslems(ISIS) and Conservative Christians in America!

    One other difference is that ISIS is very upfront about what they are. Our fundies and Republicans (but I repeat myself) don't even have the courage of their own convictions. We don't hate gays because the Bible condemns them, we're just defending traditional marriage. We're not trying to turn women into breeding stock for unwanted pregnancies because of religious taboos, we're just defending the religious liberty of churches and employers to control them. We don't think Obama's illegitimate because he's black, we just violently disagree with everything he says or does, even if it's something we previously didn't mind or even proposed by ourselves, and besides, maybe he's really from Kenya.

    1. Is speaking TRUTH to Religious BIGOTS allowed?,Buttt, I have to Agree wholeheartedly ( do BIGOTS have one of those?) with infidel753.

      Days like this year make me proud to be a Pragmatic Agnostic!

    2. "
      "One other difference is that ISIS is very upfront about what they are"

      HUGE difference, which in it's dishonest presentation of WHO they really are, America's Conservative Chrisitans, show they are ASHAMED ( do they have shame?) of who they ARE. ISIS knows they are AHOLES, and a Proud of it, unlike America's Conservative Christians.

      I consider ISIS to be a 21st century PIRATE adventure, under the phoney guise of doing it for religion.
      With ISIS's XLNT social media skills, any AHOLE worth his HATE is going to want to join ISIS, and say it is for religion, when all it is really is a group of sickies running roughshod over the 19th century Wild West now known as The Middle East, pillaging and raping, and BEHEADING the conquered for recruitment and publicity!


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