Thursday, July 9, 2015

Taking a Break

I'm going to take a bit of a break, so posting here will be light to non-existent over the next week.

In case you want to know what I'll be up to, this video I made for my brother a while ago will give you a pretty good idea.

I promise that I'll be back soon...with pictures, I hope :-)


  1. Enjoyyyyyyyyyyyy your time off. :-D

  2. I appreciate this heads-up, SP, and have yourself a wonderful break!

  3. Awesome Nancy. Enjoy your week or so. You will be missed. Those pictures sure look a lot like the North Shore of Lake Superior. Grew up in Duluth & lived in the Twin Cities (Minnehaha Falls area) for a lot of years. Love my State.

  4. Happy vacation! You will be missed, but we all know you have more than earned it with all you do to inform us and keep us focused. Thank you - and have a wonderful time!

  5. Enjoy and refresh you certainly deserve it. Thank you for all that you do and for sharing your insight with others. You are a gem.

  6. Have a great break, you deserve it. Thanks for all your wonderful posts.


Speaker Johnson - who claims to base his political positions on the Bible - continues to lie

Back in January, I documented that Mike Johnson - who claims to base his politics on biblical principles - told seven lies about immigratio...