Friday, March 4, 2016

It's Time for a Dose of Hope

As regular readers here know, I've spent the last eight years following the amazing candidacy and presidency of Barack Obama. That hasn't simply been a political exercise for me (although I'll readily admit to being a political junkie). I've learned a lot from him. That has come from both analyzing his political strategy as our first POTUS with a background in community organizing as well as listening to how he often uses major speeches to inspire hope, heal our wounds and tell us a "story of America" that highlights our struggles to become "a more perfect union."

Based on those observations, I have occasionally contemplated the idea of writing a book about Obama's speeches. Lately I haven't been able to find the time to work on that. But perhaps my post this morning at the Washington Monthly is the start of chapter 1. It is titled: How to Inspire Hope in the Face of Anger, and is based on his 2004 speech at the Democratic Convention.

In these days when candidates from both sides of the aisle are engendering anger, I think its time for a dose of hope. Go take a look at what I've written about that and tell me what you think.

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