Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Is Rep. Paul Ryan a fool or a liar?

Here's what Rep. Ryan said last Sunday.

We need to address the drivers of our debt. The whole reason we're running into this debt limit so soon is because of the spending spree that has occurred over the last two years.

Rather than respond with words, lets just look at a few graphs that tell the true story. First, from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.


And from a historical perspective.


Or maybe another look at that information from Rachel Maddow's blog.


How do you negotiate with a guy who can't even get his basic facts right? As Steve Benen says:

Remember, as far as the political world is concerned, Paul Ryan is the best Republicans have to offer. He’s not some random back-bencher; he’s the GOP’s go-to guy on fiscal issues.

Yes, he's the GOP's "go-to guy" with a "courageous" plan. But he doesn't have a basic grasp of facts and the truth.

1 comment:

They want us all to be so overwhelmed that the whole idea of resistance seems pointless

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