Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Here's an interesting little tidbit

From BooMan:

A couple of weeks ago I was involved in an off the record conversation with the White House. Obviously, I can't talk about what was said in any detail or I'd betray a trust. I think it's fair to say, though, that I came away with the firm impression that the White House had absolutely no fear of a default. It was my impression that they fully expected John Boehner and Mitch McConnell to fold in the face of pressure from Wall Street and the Chamber of Commerce (as it turned out, they were completely correct).

First of all, this is something I expected was happening all along. And, as I said in the post below about power plays, is exactly why they took the opportunity to flush out the Republicans by upping the ante in the negotiations. But its always nice to have your assumptions validated.

And secondly, I want to know how you get to be one of those bloggers who is included in "off the record conversations with the White House." LOL


  1. Afternoon, Ms. Pants

    And, the majority of the time, I agree with Boo's analysis. Tend to check him out daily. Don't agree with his Libya assessment (patience, imo, is needed, here). But, I'm curious as to who he is. He's written at times re: the Whitehouse: "I advised..."

    In time, I s'pose all will be revealed. But...

    I'm actually posting because of a comment to this very post by Boo. When you can, scroll down to the fourth one. I guarnaTEE that you will NOT miss it.

    If you've gotten to know some of the Progressive commenters, Janniket asked permission to file it away and send it around. THAT is sayin' somethin'.

    Carry on

  2. I actually know a fair amount about BooMan. After lurking at Daily Kos a few months in 2004, I witnessed the infamous "pie fight" there and was appalled. Many of us went over to BooMan's place and blogged there as a pretty wonderful community for a couple of years. As so often happens, there was a huge blow-up eventually and several of us left. You know the kind of thing...misunderstandings, harsh words, hurt feelings. It all seems pretty trivial in hindsight, but sadly broke up what was otherwise a pretty diverse and interesting community.

    BooMan has carried on and continues to do some great analysis. Like you, I disagree with him about Libya, but he has credibility because he knows how to voice his disagreements without sinking into the poutrage. I respect that a lot.

    Anyway, that's probably more than you wanted to know. I've been around the block on these blogs and have some scars to prove it. They provide interesting ground for mixing the personal with the political. But then as a "recovering therapist" (LOL) - that's part of what interests me.

  3. No, not at all, Ms. Pants

    Very helpful, indeed.

    And, you make a salient point...

    Like churches, it appears hard for these really good communities to hold together. Something or other tends to cause problems.

    To quote from another one of my fav 70's groups - Mandrill (you might have noticed that I couch any number of things addition to it being a serious interest and endeavor, it's a chief way I keep track of events during the decades) - "the only thing changeless is change".

    I am hoping and hopeful that a number of the blogs that I have now become familiar with and look forward to ingesting are around longer than a minuet or two.

    And, thank you even more, as you've been through the storm, that you still give enough of a damn to continue in trying to put it out there.

    Indeed....we are living in VERY interesting times.


This is how we puncture the media narrative about Democrats being powerless

Major media outlets (ie, New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times) have been critiqued for normalizing the anti-democratic agenda of Dona...