Tuesday, July 12, 2011

"Nothing is agreed to until everything is agreed to"

I hate to sound repetitive, but if you liked what Lawrence O'Donnell said last night - then you really have to take a look at what he said tonight.

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This entire segment was a take-down of all the poutragers who have been screaming about the fact that President Obama put Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security on the table for negotiation. Over and over again. O'Donnell makes the point that all legislators know that "nothing is agreed to until everything is agreed to." In other words, the administration knew that Republicans would never agree to everything (especially tax cuts). And in that context, they could leak to the press that the Democrats were willing to compromise and demonstrate that the Republicans were not. He even used a clip of McConnell basically making the point on the Senate floor.

The end result is that the Republicans have given up on the idea of budget cuts and are now positioning themselves to give President Obama exactly what he asked for in the first place...a clean bill on raising the debt ceiling.

While I don't always agree with O'Donnell, you have to acknowledge that no TV pundit has a better understanding of how the political process works in Congress. He's been there...done that. So on this one, I think he knows exactly what he's talking about.

This is how its done folks.


  1. Ms. Pants

    O. M. G.!!!!!

    This Hawaiian brotha is pheNOMinal!!!!

    Amongst other things he has said of himself:

    "I'm skinny. BUT....I'm TOUGH".


    Lawrence can barely contain himself. He KNOWS the lay of the Congressional land and watching the brown guy with the Arabic name start to make it lay down like a lamb...

    He's not perfect. Who is? But, can his competency, with sincerity, REALLY be questioned??

    I think not. And, eNOUGH with the foolish, petulant poutrage.

  2. Ha...

    I'm just thinking of the other visionary leaders who got the lion to lay down with the lamb.

    They weren't much appreciated in their day either. But look at how history has treated them.

    We're lucky enough to not only be living that history - but seeing it for what it is.

    My gawd its good to live in interesting times!

  3. I love Lawrence as for President Obama, not so much..I think he caves when he should respectfully hold his ground..i.e. the public option and the extension of the Bush tax cuts..these were key battles..we lost..I respect Obama but he's really stretching for the center vote and he may have it but in the process he is losing the enthusiasm of his base..I guess its all strategy because he knows he has them anyway because what's the alternative? Great blog btw


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