Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Pelosi on Obama

Today Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi held a news conference on the debt ceiling negotiations with the Democratic women members of Congress.

When asked about whether she was surprised or disappointed in how President Obama has handled the negotiations, here's what she said:

I think the President has done an excellent job in leading the debate as we go forward to reach an agreement on the debt.

I’ve told the Members this morning at the Caucus, I wish they could be in the room to hear how values-based the President’s statements have been on this subject. We couldn’t be, I couldn’t be prouder of his leadership.

And since you brought up the President, I want to speak to that issue for a moment. I think that this Administration has done more to listen to Members of Congress in a bipartisan way than anything I have seen before. When, for I think, 10 meetings of at least 2 hours each, the Vice President of the United States sat at the table, listened with respect and openness, to the suggestions of Democrats and Republicans, alike. This President, Thursday, Sunday, Monday and now Tuesday we’ll go back, has sat in that room fully prepared, knowledgeable about the issue to the minutest detail, but with a big vision about the future for our country, and has listened to what the Republicans have had to say. This is highly unusual.

Yep Ms. Speaker, that's the President and Vice President we've all come to know and respect.


  1. thanks for this. Nancy should know...unlike Orange Julius...Nancy got shyt done.

  2. Nancy will go down as , perhaps, the most effective Speaker of the House in U.S. history. Why else would the Right hate her so? This is the case with VP Biden. They can take pot shots at 'Uncle Joe' all they want, he too will go down as the most efficient one to hold that position. Hands down!


MAGA is also about an attack on the disabled

The list of words the Trump administration is banning tells us all we need to know about their attack on civil rights. But a couple of word...