Tuesday, July 12, 2011

So where did we leave the story?

Oh yeah, we were at the part where the Adult called the kid's bluff.

And then the Big Boss comes in and says, Quit playing around kids and get something done!

Johnny says, Whaaaa, its not my fault - its his.

Mitch says, Hey Johnny, lets turn that blaming thing into a bill and get ourselves out of this mess.

All Johnny and Mitch's friends say, Booooooo, we don't like you anymore!

Stay tuned for tomorrow's episode of "The Children and the Only Adult in the Room."


  1. THIS!

    Ms. Pants

    I canNOT tell you how much I am just HOWlin' at your synopsis. Think this s'plains it just VERY well. Now...

    We shall see what "The Big Boss" and his posse shall do.

  2. I was reading all of the VERY serious reporting on this and it just struck me - especially reading about Boehner and McConnell saying "Its not our responsibility." What unadulterated childishness! No wonder Obama said that Malia and Sasha were more mature than them. Its true.


MAGA is also about an attack on the disabled

The list of words the Trump administration is banning tells us all we need to know about their attack on civil rights. But a couple of word...