Monday, July 18, 2011

When "The Weekly Standard" takes its cues from Krugman

Paul Krugman: Barack Herbert Hoover Obama.

This is truly a tragedy: the great progressive hope (well, I did warn people) is falling all over himself to endorse right-wing economic fallacies.

The Weekly Standard: The Economy and the Election.

Obama came into office thinking that he would become a modern-day FDR, rescuing the U.S. economy from Republican mismanagement through public spending, aggressive regulation of business, and expansive welfare programs. The old-time religion does not appear to be working as we head into the election season. With the economy faltering and Obama out of ammunition, is it possible that instead of reprising FDR he will turn out to have been the contemporary incarnation of Herbert Hoover?

Nuff said.


  1. This is why Krugman should stick to being a professor, cuz he absolutely sucks as a political analyst.

  2. Could not have said it better, Anonymous. Could not have said it BETTER.

    Here we have, as Ms. Pants explains in her posting below this one, a CLEAR and RECENT example of a slash and burn narrative driven tactic. And, let's include the unveiling and the initial reception of The Ryan Plan in the mix with "The Great Debt Ceiling Caper of '11".

    PBO and Co. (Ms. Pants and err'body (it's a St. Louis thang), if you haven't yet, PLEASE check out Tien Le's EXcellent and thought provoking analysis of, from a messaging perspective, how we've arrived where we now are over at The People's View (TPV) ) in a VERY disciplined fashion STOP this juggernaut (no mean feat, either) and turn it around to advantage - Obama annnd the country.

    And, Dr. Krugman says: Barack Herbert Hoover Obama (SMH - a LOT).

    As Ms. Pants has come to know that I will...

    To quote from that great philosopher who is one half of one of my fav jazz/pop groups - Steely Dan - and their first big, smash hit: "Reelin' In The Years"...

    "The things that pass for knowledge I just don't understand".

  3. You're so right about Krugman needing to stick to what he's good at.

    Doesn't it seem as though everyone is a political expert since Obama became President. Hmmmm, wonder why that is?

    Blackman - I read that Tien Le piece over at TPV - its fabulous!!!!!!


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