Friday, September 16, 2011

How to comment on this site

Several people have told me that they have had trouble trying to figure out how to comment here. So I thought I'd do a "how to" post and see if that helps. Please forgive me if any of this is too basic for you. I just know that when I read technical instructions sometimes I get frustrated that folks skip over the basics and I'm lost before I even get started.

 So here's the steps:

 1. Click on the word "comments" at the bottom of the post.

 2. Write your comment in the box below where it says "Post a Comment."

 3. Directly below that box it says "Comment as:" with a drop-down menu option. Click on the arrows to the side to display the options.

 4. This gives you a list of accounts you might already have that will identify you as the person commenting. If you have a Google, LiveJournal, Wordress, TypePad, AIM or OpenID account, you can click on one of those and your comment will be identified as being from whatever name it is you use with that account. If you don't have any of those accounts, or want to be identified in some other way, click on the option that says "Name/URL." A box will appear that lets you fill in whatever name you want to use. You will also be able to enter a URL to a site you want linked to your name. You can either fill that in or leave it blank. The final option is to comment as "Anonymous." When you've chosen your identification - click "continue."

 5. Finally, click either "preview" or "post" and that's it!

 If you try that and it doesn't work - please email me to let me know. My address is in my profile in the right sidebar under "Contributors."

Happy commenting!

P.S. Feel free to use this post as a test if you'd like to try this out.


  1. Thanks for the directions, I so enjoy your blog and hope I can do this.

  2. VotingPoet - I'm SO glad it helped!

    I look forward to hearing from you more often.

  3. Smartypants, I should try this again. :)

  4. Thanks for posting these directions, For some reason Word Press says I don't own this identity, which is weird because I comment on other blogs using word press.
    I've been reading this site since I saw your name on BWD,s blogroll. I love your writing.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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