Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Someone PLEASE find out how much Romney is paying this person

I suspect you've heard that tomorrow Mitt Romney is going to speak at the NAACP convention in Houston. The article about that in the NYT today had this little tidbit:
...the Romney campaign recently named an adviser to help frame its message to black voters
So seriously...I want to know how much this person is being paid. No matter how much it is, its not enough. Because that is definitely a herculean task!


If Romney needs advice, I personally think he could get it for free by watching what AG Eric Holder said to the same audience today.

And did those folks show him some love or what?!


  1. Wish they had hired me. I could use the money and love working on Mission Impossible type tasks. LMBAO

    1. How you doin?

      I can't imagine it Robinswing. Somehow I don't think you and Romney even speak the same language.

    2. I was married to an idiot for 21 years so I speak fluent fool. LOL

    3. Oh...and last week my doctor said the magic words "You are in remission."

    4. You just made my day. So glad to hear that!!!!!!

  2. I've been a Black American for 50+ years, and I will go on the record and say that all of the NAACP members who will attend the event at which Romney will speak tomorrow have highly calibrated BS detectors. If he thinks his speech will make a huge difference in how most Black Americans view him, he's very delusional. The republicans and their supporters committed a cardinal sin in regard to Black Americans in 2008, and they've repeated it over and over again since then, and they've enjoyed doing it. Their mistake was in not respecting PBO the way they have respected all of the other presidents. There's nowhere I go that this doesn't become a topic of discussion among Black Americans.

    Great news, robinswing!

    1. You are exactly right Majii
      I believe even those evangelical ministers ll swallow their feelings about same sex marriage and get out the vote for our President. I do not know one black on who isn't pissed about the way he has been treated. In my 60 plus years I have never seen anything like it.


This is how we puncture the media narrative about Democrats being powerless

Major media outlets (ie, New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times) have been critiqued for normalizing the anti-democratic agenda of Dona...