Saturday, March 9, 2013

Michelle Obama has some competition...from Nana

The evolution from Mom-dancing to Nana-dancing.

(Be sure to watch this one to the end. You won't want to miss it!)

By the way - Nana is 88 years old. Sure hope I'm swingin that well when I get there :-)

Some of you might remember that a few weeks ago I wrote about why we're attracted to bad news. Its about how our brains are wired with something called negativity bias. Experts say we need 5 pieces of good news to counter every bad news story. This one is my contribution to that effort.

If you need a few more, check out 22 Random Acts of Kindness.


  1. Love her, love her, love her! I don't have a nana anymore so I guess I'll just have "adopt" her as mine! She is wonderful. What spirit. I want to be that fun and mobile at her age. Thank you to Nana, Nana's granddaughter and you for posting this. It made me smile.

    1. I love how she can't seem to help herself - keeps putting that bag down so she can really get into it.

  2. She was priceless. Thanks for sharing. Brought a huge smile & laughter to my heart tonight.

  3. Thank you, the end was priceless.


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