Thursday, February 10, 2022

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Is Trump's True Heir

There are times when the only sane response is to point and laugh.

Twitter had a field day. 

The Washington Post obliged.

That's just a sampling of the response to a woman who once claimed that the 2018 California wildfires were ignited by a space laser controlled by a corporate cabal, including the Rothschild banking firm. It's clear that Rep. Greene isn't just a bully who is out of touch with reality, she's also not the sharpest knife in the drawer. 

Does that remind you of anyone? There are a lot of white men who are busy positioning themselves to be Trump's successor, with most pundits assuming that Flordia Governor Ron DeSantis leads the pack. But none of those men truly embrace the essence of the former guy better that Rep. Greene. 

As I've written before, Rep. Greene has actually threatened treason by suggesting that red states divorce themselves (ie, secede) from the blue states. But recently, the woman who claims to represent the true base of the Republican Party has zeroed in on a new target. She says that an intraparty GOP civil war is necessary.

Mrs. Greene, in an interview with The Washington Times Editorial Board last week, said that on some issues, there is no choice but to stand against others in your own party.

“No one likes to watch people fighting, and we’re supposed to support one another — respect and obey Reagan’s ‘11th commandment.’ But If we are truly going to stop the assault on our freedoms and stop what’s happening to our country, where America is just being able to be sold out to the rest of the world,” Mrs. Greene said. “We have to lean into this civil war in the GOP.”

As Mike Pence, Mitch McConnell, and other Republicans break with Trump over what took place at the Capital on January 6, I'm sure that Rep. Greene's response is music to the former guy's ears. He's been trying his damnest to ignite a civil war among Republicans heading into the 2022 primaries.

I have to admit that after years of media focus on "Dems in disarray," this Republican civil war is quite entertaining. But coming on the heels of four years of Donald Trump in the White House, my tendency to point and laugh at these idiots is a bit tarnished. To the extent that makes me too "grim and joyless" in Kevin Drum's eyes, I plead guilty.


  1. These intraparty civil wars have a history of working out. It worked for the Bolsheviks and later for Stalin, and the Night of the Long Knives gave Hitler a real boost. The 1949 Leningrad purge kept Kruschev, Beria, and Malenkov in power for another decade. Purges work for the ruthless, of which Marjorie is one.

  2. Of course she wants to run for Prez in '24. I look forward to seeing a long list of her accomplishments, of which she has none because she was booted from committees and has done no actual legislative work. Fundraising she does. Her job - not so much.


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