Friday, September 28, 2007

First the books, then the music

I thought I'd post the list of books my group selected to read in the upcoming year. I might be writing about some of them as we go through the list, so here it is:

Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen

Unbowed: A Memoir by Wangari Maathai

We Are the Ones We've Been Waiting For: Inner Light in a Time of Darkness by Alice Walker

Waking: A Memoir of Trauma and Transcendence by Matthew Sanford

Couldn't Keep it to Myself: Testimonies from Our Imprisoned Sisters by Wally Lamb, Diane Bartholomew, Nancy Birkla, Robin Cullen, Brenda Medina

Reader's choice: a book of short stories by Alice Munro

Infidel by Ayaan Hirsi Ali

In the Time of Butterflies by Julia Alvarez

Astrid and Veronika by Linda Olsson

Adventure Divas: Searching the Globe for Women Who Are Changing the World by Holly Morris

Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life by Barbara Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp, Camille Kingsolver

One member of the group couldn't participate because of a family emergency so we saved a month for her to choose something.

And now, a little bit of smooooth from the past.


  1. Hi there -

    I'll be interested in your response to Infidel.

    My comments on Ayaan Hirsi Ali...found at



  2. Hi mitzvahmom - thanks for visiting. I went to your link and commented there. I read the book "Infidel" a few months ago, and in a nutshell, I have VERY mixed feelings about Ali. I'm really looking forward to our book group discussion about this and will probably write about it when it happens in Mid-April next year.


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Former Attorney General Bill Barr is in the news again. After basically asserting that the former president is unfit for office, he is now e...