Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Biggest political news story of the day...failed filibuster

Anyone who has been paying attention to the US Senate knows that the Republicans have taken the opportunity to filibuster legislation to new levels over the last 2 1/2 years. As a result, there is a huge backlog of federal judicial appointments that haven't been approved. One of those that has been languishing is John McConnell, who President Obama nominated to be a federal judge in Rhode Island.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (no relation) launched a filibuster of John McConnell today and it failed. Eleven Republicans - Alexander, Brown, Collins, Graham, Kirk, McCain, Murkowski, Snowe, Thune, Chambliss, and Isakson - broke ranks and voted for cloture resulting in a 63-33 vote.

Could this portend a break in the ranks of the "party of no?"

We'll see...

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