Friday, March 16, 2012

"It's Raining Mitt"

Just in case you thought any gaff by Romney during the primaries would be be forgotten.

I hear President Obama looks pretty good in the rain :-)


  1. Priceless~!! Thanks SP

  2. 'Afternoon, Ms. Pants

    Will you kindly get the heck outta here??? :-)

    It's raaaaainin' shit!!!!!!!

  3. And, Ms. Pants...

    You KNOOOOOW that "Wet Obama" is THE picture at TOD.

    I will not be surprised if some of the TODers women comment directly. They're SHAMEless. Completely.

    The "naughty mat" comes to Smartypants' place.

  4. One of the most indelible mental images I have of the 08 campaign is a huge rally in NC a couple of days after PBO's grandmother had died. It was the "final arguement" for his candidacy and he was just one man alone in the spotlight under a light rain making his case. It was a true Tom Joad moment. Makes me tear up every time I think about it.

    PS. have a great vaycay!


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