Friday, October 12, 2012

The entire Republican argument is slipping away

From the first words ever uttered about the 2012 presidential election, the one and only argument the Republicans have had against the re-election of President Barack Obama has been the economy.

And now even that one is slipping away. Not only did the unemployment rate drop to 7.8% - the lowest its been in almost 4 years. But that news was quickly followed by:

Unemployment claims  fell to their lowest level since February 2008.

The latest Federal Reserve Report showed broad improvement in the housing market.

Consumer confidence rose to its highest level in five years.

Federal tax receipts are up and spending is down.
The Treasury Department said Friday that the deficit for the 2012 budget year totaled $1.1 trillion. Tax revenue rose 6.4 percent from last year to more than $2.4 trillion, helping contain the deficit.

The government's revenue rose as more people got jobs and received income. Corporations also contributed more tax revenue than in 2011.

Government spending fell 1.7 percent to $3.5 trillion. The decline reflected, in part, less defense spending as U.S. military involvement in Iraq was winding down.
I have no doubt that as this reality sinks in, the Republicans will respond with more hyped-up spin and blatant lies.

But them's the facts, Mam. They got nuttin.


  1. That's okay - they're focusing on Libya and Iran now. Nothing convinces me not to vote for them more than hearing them talk about Iran.

  2. the one and only argument the Republicans have had against the re-election of President Barack Obama has been the economy.

    Well, there's also the whole ZOMG SOCIALIST KENYAN HITLER ANTICHRIST thing too. I know "argument" isn't really the correct term for that, but I'm not sure there is a correct term for it.

    Even the economic argument boils down to "he's not cleaning up our mess fast enough!"

    Still, you're probably right overall, so long as the real signs of progress get enough media coverage to cut through all the false claims.


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