Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Not Ready to Make Nice

Like many women of my generation, I grew up being scared of anger. I remember the first time (in my mid-20's) when I let a good friend know that she'd done something that made me angry. She apologized and asked what she could do to make it right. I said, "I'm not sure there's anything you can do. I just think I'm going to be angry for awhile."

Yeah, that was a totally honest response.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well that's weird - it looked like my comment posted twice, so I deleted one - and now nothing shows. Let's try again. Great song from a great album. Was quite enjoyable to start listening to the Dixie Chicks just as everybody else in North Carolina was tuning them out. "Lubbock or Leave it" was a nice upbeat take on the same message of stepping out of the mold.


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