Tuesday, April 12, 2022

One Chart Tells You All You Need to Know About What's Wrong With Our Politics

I am usually the one warning people that things are more complex and nuanced than we are led to believe. And yet, I'm here to tell you that this one chart from a recent Navigator poll tells you almost everything you need to know about what's wrong with our politics.

The question was: "Below is a list of issues that have been in the news recently. Please indicate how much you have seen, read or heard about each one."

I'm not even going to comment. It is all right there in depressing detail. 


  1. 'Pogo' was right: we have met the enemy and it is us!! Until we become fervent, educated consumers of fact-based news, we will continue to life and espouse a terribly skewed world view

  2. The NY Times today has one of its articles on a favorite theme, warnings that Latin Americans are deserting the Democrats. Well, not exactly if you actually read it, but the paper loves the theme, especially combined with reassurance that voters hate identity politics and immigrants (other than themselves, but then they presumably made it here so are more virtuous). So "properly" centrist and compromising Democrats should ditch such things in favor of centrist economics. It also keeps returning to the GOP talking point that blacks are in play, even though its racist politics never changes.

    Oh, well. Here, though, it was more interesting than usual because of Nancy's post. It reported, accurately or not for all I know, that while women really do still seek out sympathetic stories of immigrants, putting a human face on reform that Latin Americans still do favor, men don't. Why not? Because they are too obsessed with video games, to the point that even the economic stories they read in the news are about that. Optimism is getting harder and harder.


Musk is an idiot with a Nazi axe to grind

When confronted with the lie about USAID sending $50 million worth of condoms to Gaza, Elon Musk said something worth noting.  Musk acknowl...