I think many of us are feeling pretty powerless these days to affect change in our country. So I thought it would be interesting to have a little conversation about power and the different ways it works. I'll share a little of my experience and hope you will chime in down below in the comments.
Most of our conceptions about power stem from a basic acceptance of hierarchy. In other words, someone has power if they have power over someone or something. Its the classic model I was taught about relationships in the church.

But if any of you lived in a household that was similarly structured, you might have the same experience I did...which was that Mom had a way of getting what she wanted too. In other words, she had power, but it tended to be covert in comparison to Dad's overt power. This leads me to think that we all have power in some form or another. Its just a question of whether or not we claim it overtly.
The reality is, the only real power we have is over ourselves. Anytime we have power "over" someone else, its because they've given it to us. This is the classic assumption behind all theories of non-violent resistance...we have the power to choose whether or not we cooperate with those who would attempt to control us. In the end, they can beat us up, put us in jail, or kill us, but they can't force us to comply with their wishes.
In my professional life, I've been having some interesting discussions that have taught me another aspect of power. As many of you know, I'm the director of a small non-profit. Most of our funding comes from our county government in the form of contracts for service. Our county has a budget of over $570 million per year as compared to our agency's $1.5 million. In a hierarchical way of seeing things then, it would appear as if the county had all the power to tell us what to do.
But what we have discovered is that the county needs us. We can do things they can't do and in ways they can't do them. Occasionally in negotiations, we've had to point that out to them in both subtle and not-so-subtle ways. One of the most powerful ways we did that was by walking away from a contract that we thought compromised our mission and values. Through that process, we changed the dynamic of the relationship from one of power-over to one of partnership. By identifying what each party brought to the table that the other one needed, we each claimed our own power and can work together to reach common goals.
I tell you all that because I think its a critical ingredient to the identification of any kind of power. You need to know two things:
1. What do people need from you, and
2. What do you bring to the table.
If we apply this to our political situation, we often limit ourselves to thinking that our only power is our vote. That is certainly something we bring to the table and it appears to be something politicians need from us. But there are two problems with this. First of all, there aren't enough of us voting our way to carry the day. This is one of the biggest reasons we feel powerless these days I think. We can keep trying to convince others to join us, but both the MSM and time are not on our side right now. And secondly, the reality is that too many politicians believe (and perhaps accurately so) that they need money more than they need votes. Goddess knows I don't have access to those kinds of resources, nor do many of you I suspect.
If that's the case, what is it that we have that our elected officials need from us? I must admit that I'm rather stumped on that one. A few months ago I talked about the idea that if we could ever figure that one out, we'd have hit the "sweet spot" and the whole system would likely react to try to shut us down...and fast.
Could it be that to the MICMC we are expendable? That is certainly what David Simon, creator of HBO's "The Wire" is implying. I think we need to be willing to honestly ask ourselves that question and face the truth of the answer. If we are expendable, then continuing to play the game their way means that we become merely enablers of the system that is exploiting us. And its time to walk away, reclaim our power, and save ourselves.
The Power to be who we are. To me that is the power that brings me forth into a true statement of self.
ReplyDeleteI am not well informed about what we teach men about power. I do know that at least in our country most women are still taught that power is not an attractive attribute for a woman. I think often as we look at power, power over others, and misuse of power as women we find it distasteful if not downright disgusting.
You are absolutely right in your assessment that it is personal power, the power to be who we are that is life changing and of great importance.
There is nothing more powerful, in my estimation than a person who truly knows who they are and what they are about.
We cannot continue to give our power over to others and have any real joy in our lives.
Again, to continue to "play the game their way" is to be powerless. We must indeed claim our personal power and stand up to all the things that would diminish that in any way.
Great post, as always, Nan.
Loves and hugs
I meant to tell you also that Village Blue is back and if you ever felt like cross posting some of your wonderful writings over there, Diane and I would really welcome that.
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