Friday, March 9, 2012

He's been a socialist all along!

I can't wait to see what the Breitbart crew does with this damning evidence of our President's complicity in radicalness!


  1. LOL Smartypants, this is HILARIOUS. They train dem SOCHULIST young, don'tcha know!

    1. And she got a link on Andrew Sullivan! Congrats!

  2. Another example of the mainstream liberal media hiding Obama's past!

    1. Its a kid! get over it.

    2. I really hope this is snark
      cause if it isn't your pitiful
      How you can find fault with an innocent school picture

  3. Must be Hawaii. All four boys are barefoot.

    1. OMG - yet another scandal! That's WAY worse than wearing flip-flops.

    2. Four kids in Hawai‘i wearing long pants? Doubtful, even in winter.

      Suspicious, even… what are they hiding?

    3. Has to be Kenya.

    4. Not Barry. Look closer.

    5. @smartypants -
      you mean "OMG - yet another sandal!"

    6. He's an elitist!

  4. Isn't that right about when he was palling around with Bill Ayers?

  5. Is this in Kenya?

  6. OK, this is the last straw. Impeach him now, and take away his cookies!!

  7. I am sure that Barry was the instigator; given his KGB deep-cover training.

  8. I want to see the Strike Certificate.

  9. Little Barry spelled "strike" correctly, so he must be a lib!

  10. Wow, you guys really hate this guy. As an independent thinking person, I think Obama has done a mostly amazing job given the state of the country when he took the office. Two words I haven't heard from the right this whole season: George Bush. While governing, Obama disappointed all of us one way or another, but when I see a blog like this and listen to the hatred and bigotry from the far right, I shudder to think of you guys back in control. You're damn straight I'm going to help re-elect Barack Hussein Obama

    1. Uhhh, did you forget the /snark at the end or did you really not realize this is a joke?

    2. Lol that's how over the top the right has gotten; it's hard to tell satire from seriousness.

    3. Get a grip. Tired of hearing everything Obama has done being blamed on the past. Bottom line is he is driving this country right down the crapper. 1. The govt. is suing Arizona and taking sides with the drug cartel over our own American citizens on the border. 2. Obama has turned down getting oil from Canada and taking it from Chavez. If you remember, his campaign speech, he specificly said one of his main goals would be to stop getting oil from those countries. 3. He bowed to another countries leader. Totally unacceptable. The list goes on. He needs to go or we're done.

    4. This has to be a snark right... Taking oil from venezuela? This is the thing about people restating idiotic rants they pickup without research or thought process. First off this nation has been exporting oil from Venezuela since 1943 when we assisted in reaching a settlement between the Venezuelan government and the oil companies on equal profit sharing. The only person we don't like according bush is chavez because he nationalized the oil. By the way our largest exporter of petroleum is canada with Saudi Arabia second. Do yourself a favor go read. And while you are at it you will learn about US open policy on oil beginning in 1928.
      You get oil from Canada everyday which you pay for. The current dilemma about keystone is about the environmental effects and economic sense of it all. Who stands to gain...koch industry by exporting it out of the country while creating 2000 temporary employees. Wake up

      Bowed to another countries leaders...well last I remember protocol requires respect of others culture which ever president including reagan have done. This comment denotes immaturity and a sense of entitlement

      Arizonans law has nothing to do with it boarders and more to do with straight bigotry. The US boarders are more secure under president Obama than any other president, likewise the influx of illegal immigrants.

      His campaign speech state that he wants us to top being dependent on foreign oil. Last I remember Canada is foreign.

      Economy has been in the crapper for 30 years.

      I most say the comment has nothing substantial against the president. It is rather a sound bite commentary with no intellect behind it. Vote for the GOP while the rest of us give him a well deserved second term in the face of ugly.

    5. I am going to help reelect him too.

    6. Wow Anonymous. Did you know that most of our oil already comes from Canada? And as for that pipeline. I live just miles from where it would have been built. That was some dirty shit they wanted to pipe through. And built over one of the world's largest aquifer. The Ogallala Aguifer. Not in my backyard!!

    7. You couldn't be more correct (I don't want to say right...LOL) This country is better off with Obama than with the Bush clooneys...
      How fast they forget

  11. This photo has been cropped by some radical leftist to conceal the fact that standing to the right of little Barry Obama is "little" Saul Alinsky, who infiltrated the little band of traitors to get close to a future President. All in all, it was a remarkable feat for a canny 40 year old subversive able to pass for a beardless pre-adolescent.

    1. He was holding the camera

    2. There's a telepromptor somewhere there on it!

    3. Alinsky was NEVER a boy! You LIE!!!

  12. Why is Obama the only one wearing sandals.......or, I mean scandals??!?!?!?!

  13. Priceless! I could kiss them all , but what is that I hear? Aw lady , gimme a break!

  14. Excellent evidence of a budding community organizer!

    Has Pam Geller exploded over this yet? LOL!

  15. Hey, where are the ladies? Sexist.

  16. Has anyone notified Orly Taitz of this smoking gun?

  17. So cute! What newspaper is this from? What year was it taken?

  18. Kid at the end: LePage? French. Striking, also French. Obama is trying to turn us into France!!!!

  19. This photo was actually taken by Obama's Uncle, Saddam Hussein.

  20. And he was striking for boy's liberation! I got photographic proof! There goes the wimmen's vote!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.


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