Sunday, February 13, 2022

Can You Help?

I started this little blog 15 years ago because I wanted a place to explore my own thinking about politics. I'm not one who automatically buys into the conventional wisdom of the day and often have interests/questions that I don't see addressed in other news outlets. As a pragmatic progressive, I'm drawn to all kinds of topics, but have a special interest in the role that both race and religion play in our politics.

Because I tend to be drawn to angles on stories that don't dominate the headlines, it takes a unique reader to appreciate my writing. That makes you special. So I really appreciate the small audience that has developed here.

As you can see, writing at "Horizons" has never been about making money. While I did have a paid gig at the Washington Monthly for a few years, that ended about a year ago. So far I've resisted putting my writing behind a paywall or heading over to Substack and requiring people to subscribe. Neither of those options have appealed to me.

However, due to some recent unforeseen events, I find myself struggling financially. I don't think it will be permanent, but I'm a bit stressed out at the moment. So if you are one of those special people who appreciates what I do AND you happen to have a few bucks of disposable income, the time has come to ask you to consider making a donation. On the top right corner of this page you'll find a "Donate" button that will take you to my PayPal account.

As is true for most of us, it's never been easy for me to ask for help. But...


  1. Do you have a Patreon? Would you consider one? I find it convenient for supporting people without having to remember to donate.

  2. Yes! I agree with Tim. Patreon makes donating easy. I don't know what it's like for a creator, but it's worth investigating.

    1. I think of it as rather like a firewall or the other alternatives she ruled out, but I have to admit they're all not that different from asking for contributions, only less awkward. It's always been hard for me to pay for a blog post (I have a site myself), which seems so much more impulsive and transient, not to mention short, than a magazine. So I don't have Talking Points Memo prime (and don't take seriously its claim to be a news site), although I miss Josh Marshall's opinion, and no longer get to read Martin Longman since he, too, left the dreadful Washington Monthly. But Nancy has contributed a great deal, so I'll definitely look into this one.


MAGA is also about an attack on the disabled

The list of words the Trump administration is banning tells us all we need to know about their attack on civil rights. But a couple of word...